Hi, Mikko,
I'm trying to interface with an Indian standard meter.
I want to change some data on R/W object. For example, the Limiter object. 10:06:02 Writing object, interface Limiter
7E A0 31 03 61 98 D2 FE E6 E6 00 C9 23 30 00 00 1A 79 86 B7 1B 52 7D C3 7D 57 75 4E 94 9A 38 F0 86 62 8D 69 74 AC 50 51 86 8D B6 36 28 82 D1 A4 73 5F 7E
7E A0 07 61 03 1F 1D EF 7E
Gurux.DLMS.GXDLMSException: Disconnect mode.
在 GXDLMSDirector.GXDLMSCommunicator.Write(GXDLMSObject obj, Int32 index)
在 GXDLMSDirector.MainForm.WriteMnu_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
See attached picture for the parsed content.
When I press write button in Tools on the Limiter object(the object is highlighted, and the write button in toolbar is enabled), I got "Disconnect mode" first, and press write button again I got "unacceptable frame".
Best Regards,
Jimmy Lau
Hi, Your data is correct…
Your data is correct. You try to write value 110. You need to check what are possible values that you can write for the meter. It might be that your value is out of limits.
The error that the meter returns is a HDLC Disconnect message and not DLMS error code that is usually returned if the meter doesn't accept the value or the client doesn't have enought access rights.
Ask also if there is a firmware update available for the meter.
Hi, Mikko, I read again the…
Hi, Mikko,
I read again the value, actually it is written successfully. Is it always Disconnect if writing operation is finished?
Best Regards,
Jimmy Lau
Hi, You should ask the meter…
You should ask the meter manufacturer about this. This doesn't usually close the connection.
OK, Thanks. All your…
OK, Thanks. All your responses regarding this topic help a lot.
Best Regards,
Jimmy Lau