I am trying to send data from the meter to the host using python library and need help.
I have added the pushObjectList, destination, and communicationWindow and wrote it to the Push Setup object at
obj.destination = "xx.xx.xx.xx:4059"
obj.communicationWindow = [(start, end)]
and the pushObjectList by assigning it to a list I retrieved from another register (Billing register)
Now I have two inquiries:
1- I have a terminal running for the Gurux.DLMS.Push.Listener.Example.python using
python -u "main.py" -p 4059 -i WRAPPER -r ln
No data is being sent, so I am a bit lost now on what to do next to receive the pushObjectList data.
2- I need to set the data to be sent periodically (for example each 15 minutes) instead of setting a start and end interval
I really appreciate your help, thank you so much.
Hi, The meter sends push…
The meter sends push messages to the to the given IP address.
Check that your IP address and port number are correct.
Make sure that there is no firewall that can block messages.
The single action schedule is used to send push messages at a given time. You need to configure that.
You can also invoke push messages if you have connection to the meter by pressing "Push" button in GXDLMSDirector.