Push Setup object is used to define objects whose content is sent at the given time for the server.
Push objects can be used to schedule the meter to send data. With a push message, the meter sends the selected data to the server and DLMS connection between the meter and the server is not established.
If data needs to be read from the meter, then the meter must configure with auto connect.
If data needs to be read from the meter, then the meter must configure with auto connect.
1. Logical Name
Logical name of the object.
2. Push object list
List of objects that are send in push message.
DLMS standard doesn't define the content of the push object list. It's good to add Logical Device Name as a first parameter so you can identify the meter.There are two different ways to describe content of the push messages. Adding push object list to push object list meter client will always know the content of the push message. Other possibility add Logical Name of the push object to the push object list. If this information doesn't exists, parsing the data is not possible when multiple push messages are sent.
Size of the data is smaller if Logical name is added, but client application must know the content of the push object list. Size is larger if push object list is added to push object, but client will always know what kind of data meter is sending. -
3. Send destination and method
How the push object is sent and where. This depends on how the meter is configured. With some meters, there might be TCP/IP address where push messages are sent. Some meters can send push messages only using the active connection.
4. Communication window
Date and time when push object is triggered.
5. Randomisation start interval
Randomisation start interval is used that all the meters don't send push messages at the same time.
6. Number of retries
How many times push message is try to send.
6. Repetition delay
How long is waited before failed push is try again..
1. Push
Trigger push message.