Compact data object is used to save data in compressed form.
1. Logical Name
Logical name of the object.
2. Compact Buffer
Captured data.
3. Capture Objects
Captured objects.
4. Template Id
Each compact data has own unique template id.
5. Template Description
Compact data data types.
6. Capture Method
Capture method can be read or action. If method is read, values are saved every time when compact data is read.
If it's action values are saved every time when action is called.
1. Reset
Clears the buffer.
2. Capture
Saves objects defined in Capture Objects to the buffer.
Note! Italy norm UNI/TS 11291-11-2 is breaking against DLMS standard in some of Trama compatta compact data buffers.
Array length (AA) is added to the buffer. This is done example in Trama compatta 7.
If AA is needed, appendAA must set to 1. Values must update using compactData_getValues2 where last parameter is set to 1.