Hi there!
I-m trying to use the GXDLMSTranslator class to decode a ciphered frame.
This is what I did but the output keeps the chipered data.
_gXDLMSTranslator = new Gurux.DLMS.GXDLMSTranslator(TranslatorOutputType.SimpleXml);
_gXDLMSTranslator.Hex = false;
_gXDLMSTranslator.Security = Security.AuthenticationEncryption;
_gXDLMSTranslator.SecuritySuite = Gurux.DLMS.Objects.Enums.SecuritySuite.Suite0;
_gXDLMSTranslator.BlockCipherKey = GXCommon.HexToBytes("<bytes of the key>");
_gXDLMSTranslator.AuthenticationKey = GXCommon.HexToBytes("<bytes of the key>");
_gXDLMSTranslator.InvocationCounter = 0;
string xml = _gXDLMSTranslator.MessageToXml(data);
After this the string xml has the ciphered service tag with a encoded value.
how could I decode it? is there any function or setup missing? thanks in advance!
Hi, You can see the decoded…
You can see the decoded value in comments if you set comments true like this: