Hi Mikko,
java -jar target/gurux.dlms.push.listener.example-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar -i WRAPPER -t Verbose
I tried to run java push listener example using the above command , and I updated the ip address and port number in the meter. when I click on push button I am not receiving the data on my local machine.Is there anything I missed out here?
Hi, You should see "Client…
You should see "Client Connected" message in the trace if the media can establish the connection for your meter.
If you can't see it, then there is something wrong with the meter settings. Check the port number and IP address.
Check that firewalls are not blocking the messages. This is a quite common problem.
I turned off windows…
I turned off windows firewall using below command.
netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state off
And below screenshot is the meter settings.Is there any other settings I have to update in meter?
Sending Push message. Client…
Sending Push message.
Client Connected.
<- 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 16 0F C0 00 00 01 00 02 01 09 0C 07 E8 02 02 05 0A 37 11 05 FE B6 00
Time: 02/02/24, 10:55:17 AM
<Structure Qty="01" >
<OctetString Value="07E80202050A371105FEB600" />
07 E8 02 02 05 0A 37 11 05 FE B6 00
Client Disconnected.
If I press enter it is showing this trace.Is it mean script is able to connect meter?
Hi, There is a client and…
There is a client and server on the push example. When you press enter key, the client sends a push message to the server.
The push server doesn't establish the connection for the meter. The meter sends data to the server and the push listener parses the received data.
Hi Mikko, I got the packets…
Hi Mikko,
I got the packets from the meter like this
trace:10:21:14 TraceTypes.INFO Client connected.
trace:10:21:17 TraceTypes.RECEIVED 00 01 00 01 00 40 00 5E DB 08 49 53 45 31 31 30 37 33 82 00 51 20 00 00 00 01 9E 80 E5 70 45 72 41 03 E4 D5 9E 20 03 F6 76 92 22 E0 4C 72 0E 13 2D C5 B1 2D 3D 73 25 F5 47 F9 C3 53 C0 F6 95 8B 5B B9 DE 17 5D 04 07 12 E8 82 0A B3 B4 71 02 4E D7 36 13 51
35 51 6E D0 66 0F 39 27 FE 81 7B BF 00 0B D1 DB 5C 6C
New data is received. 00 01 00 01 00 40 00 5E DB 08 49 53 45 31 31 30 37 33 82 00 51 20 00 00 00 01 9E 80 E5 70 45 72 41 03 E4 D5 9E 20 03 F6 76 92 22 E0 4C 72 0E 13 2D C5 B1 2D 3D 73 25 F5 47 F9 C3 53 C0 F6 95 8B 5B B9 DE 17 5D 04 07 12 E8 82 0A B3 B4 71 02 4E D7 36 13 51 35 51 6E D0 66 0F
39 27 FE 81 7B BF 00 0B D1 DB 5C 6C
Invalid Command.
trace:10:21:19 TraceTypes.INFO Client disconnected.
How to convert this is into readable form?
I added the block cipher key…
I added the block cipher key and I got this output.
trace:10:30:29 TraceTypes.INFO Client connected.
trace:10:30:32 TraceTypes.RECEIVED 00 01 00 01 00 40 00 5E DB 08 49 53 45 31 31 30 37 33 82 00 51 20 00 00 00 01 9E 80 E5 70 45 72 41 03 E4 D5 9E 20 09 C0 76 92 22 E0 4C 72 0E 13 2D C5 B1 2D 3D 73 25 F5 47 F9 C3 53 C0 F6 95 8B 5B B9 DE 17 5D 04 07 12 E8 82 0A B3 BE 47 02 4E D7 36 13 51
35 51 6E D0 66 0F 39 27 FE 81 7B BF 00 0B D1 DB 5C 6C
New data is received. 00 01 00 01 00 40 00 5E DB 08 49 53 45 31 31 30 37 33 82 00 51 20 00 00 00 01 9E 80 E5 70 45 72 41 03 E4 D5 9E 20 09 C0 76 92 22 E0 4C 72 0E 13 2D C5 B1 2D 3D 73 25 F5 47 F9 C3 53 C0 F6 95 8B 5B B9 DE 17 5D 04 07 12 E8 82 0A B3 BE 47 02 4E D7 36 13 51 35 51 6E D0 66 0F
39 27 FE 81 7B BF 00 0B D1 DB 5C 6C
<Structure Qty="04" >
<String Value="ISE001011073" />
<OctetString Value="0004190900FF" />
<OctetString Value="07E80208040A1E0DFF014A00" />
<BitString Value="00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000000000000000000000" />
00 04 19 09 00 FF
07 E8 02 08 04 0A 1E 0D FF 01 4A 00
<WRAPPER len="66" >
<TargetAddress Value="1" />
<SourceAddress Value="40" />
<SystemTitle Value="4953453131303733" />
<CipheredService Value="20000000019E80E57045724103E4D59E2009C0769222E04C720E132DC5B12D3D7325F547F9C353C0F6958B5BB9DE175D040712E8820AB3BE47024ED736135135516ED0660F3927FE817BBF000BD1DB5C6C" />
How to convert this?
Hi, Data is parsed correctly…
Data is parsed correctly after you set the block cipher and authentication.
Check the GXDLMSPushListener.printData-method. It shows the received data.
{ ISE001011073 00 04 19…
Hi Mikko,
00 04 19 09 00 FF
07 E8 02 08 04 10 0F 0D FF 01 4A 00
This is hex trace using GXDLMSPushListener.printData-method .How to convert it into actual human readable form like Datet , time , Event name etc?
Hi, You need to set the…
You need to set the correct push objects to the Push object list.
You can get the push object from the meter documentation or if you read the push object.
I believe that the first one is the Logical Meter Name. The second is the Push OBIS code. The third one is the Clock and the last one I don't know.
Hi Mikko, { ISE001011073 00…
Hi Mikko,
00 04 19 09 00 FF
07 E8 02 08 04 10 0F 0D FF 01 4A 00
To convert this hex trace to readable form is there any class is available like GXTranslator?