Hello we are creating an HES for DLMS electric meters so before starting we want to know that if all these things are possible are using Gurux ? if yes can you please describe the function which function of gurux we will use for each of the event
thank you
Need to read following data from meter:
- Load Profile
- Events
- Instantaneous data
- Daily Billing
- Monthly Billing
Need to Read/Write following data from meter
- Update wakeup sim number
- Change meter status
- Optical Port
- Meter data sampling (like we need Loadprofile, events and instantaneous data after every X time)
- IP and Port
- Aux Relay
- Time of Use
- Load shedding
- Sanctioned Load
- Monthly Bill date time
- Time synchronization
Hi, All are supported. Read…
All are supported.
Read and write objects depend on the meter. I propose that you download GXDLMSDirector and play with it. It will help you to understand your DLMS meter.
Objects are described here: