used GXDLMSDirector and everything works fine. But when I try to use C example client with these arguments:
./gurux.dlms.client.bin -h localhost -p 4061 -c 22 -a HighSHA256 -P Gurux -T 4142434445464748
I get error:
Connecting to localhost:4061
Access Error : Device reports Read-Write denied.
Also tried to use .NET client and everything works fine.
with Java server i get this error:
Jan 15, 2023 4:59:48 PM gurux.dlms.objects.GXDLMSAssociationLogicalName replyToHlsAuthentication
INFO: Invalid CtoS:3DC5E28B54872419BF5A79DE3B16C92EC1E576080A93973C950034D1C5D39817-4BABD61F121477FC9C3B869189477136E47B5A671A9B0A99404B2E6A0B14DC09
Client Disconnected.
is there any known problem with SHA256 and C library? Other security (md5, sha1, GMAC) works fine. Also, with other languages client works fine aswell.
Also in not working version i have this payload:
7E A0 4C 03 2D 10 9E C8 E6 E6 00 60 3E A1 09 06 07 60 85 74 05 08 01 01 8A 02 07 80 8B 07 60 85 74 05 08 02 06 AC 12 80 10 70
38 9C CE 67 B3 59 AC 56 AB 55 2A 15 8A 45 22 BE 10 04 0E 01 00 00 00 06 5F 1F 04 00 00 1E 1D FF FF 13 8B 7E
With gurux translator i can see, that MechanismName Value is null.
Hello, is there any news…
Hello, is there any news about SHA256 in C?
Hi, i can see, that problem…
Hi, i can see, that problem still occurs
Hello, did some more…
did some more investigation:
HEX bytes that needs to be converted to SHA256: 47 75 72 75 78 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 38 06 6D 79 07 09 1D 49 26 60 59 79 68 3E 0D 5F 70 38 9C CE 67 B3 59 AC 56 AB 55 2A 15 8A 45 22
gxsha256_encrypt returns: E5 36 DE FB B3 1B 6D 14 9D 80 F0 23 E8 C0 50 BA 85 83 77 A7 AF EF D0 7F 00 12 01 75 30 B4 A4 B8
If i use the same hex bytes with other calculators I get:
Also, Java server returns:
INFO: Invalid CtoS:C93338AA6D325E19EFD1D5A7E067DD252C8FB193ECC2091103596B0B5FC71876-E536DEFBB31B6D149D80F023E8C050BA858377A7AFEFD07F0012017530B4A4B8
Client Disconnected.
This confirms, that SHA256 is not calculated correctly in Ansi C DLMS library.
Hi, I'm sorry about the slow…
I'm sorry about the slow reply. For some reason, I haven't noticed this email before. This is tested now and it seems that you are right.
This is under work now and I'll let you know when this is fixed.