i've tried to use Client example for Esp8266. I don't have real physical meter, only a program simulator. I didn't change anything in Client example code and i upload it on ESP. Then i tried to use GXDLMSDirector for simulation.
Name test
manufacturer: Gurux
Interface: HDLC
Authentication: None
Media: Serial
Serial port COM5 (on that port is connected my esp)
Baud 9600
Client address: 10
Resend count:3
Physical Server :1
After that, i use Serial Monitor and set the com and baud the same and it send some hex data: 7E A0 07 03 21 93 0F 01 7E7E A0 07 03 21 93 0F 01 7E7E A0 07 03 21 93 0F 01 7E
and it keeps sending this over and over (i saw the blue led blink when it sending)
Then i try to Connect my device with the port and it didn't connect, Access denied. And when i close the serial monitor i try to connect, it keeps saying it's connecting in the left corner. Then i go to View and Trace and check PDU: and it says
10:13:48 Send SNRM request.
TX: 7E A0 07 03 21 93 0F 01 7E
but it still connectig...
How can i solve this problem?
Any help i really appreciate.
Hi, GXDLMSDirector is for…
GXDLMSDirector is for reading the meter, not simulating the meter.
You can use simulator if you don't have a meter.
Hi, i tried to use Gurux…
i tried to use Gurux simulator and these are steps that i use:
i upload program to my ESP
then i open CMD and use cd to navigate to the simulator
then i use dotnet run command
after that i use this: dotnet run -- -p 5 -x crystal.xml (i don't know what to do here, i use 5 because my ESP is on COM5 and baud 9600)
and this came
DLMS HDLC Logical Name simulator start in Tcp ports 5-5.
Server address: 1
Client address: 16 Without authentication.
MaxReceivePduSize: 832 MaxSendPduSize: 65535
and nothing happen. Can you please help me to solve this, how to set proper command in CMD simulator to see if Arduino Client works?
Thank Your sir!
Hi, Your simulator is…
Your simulator is listening TCP/IP port 5. You need to use serial port like this:
Gurux.DLMS.Simulator.Net.exe -S COM8 -x crystal.xml -t Verbose