Hello everyone,
i've god a project that includes esp-01s modul and meter. I have to create wifi modem for meter, my meter use dlms hdlc protocol. Modem should be connected with meter through pins (v+12, gnd, rx,tx). As far as hardware i have a plan what to use. But from the software side i don't know how to implement that. So my wifi modem should be a server and when i use uMeter as a client it should read and send data. My wifi modem only forward data as it received.
So can i use DLMS for Arduino code that Gurux has and modified it, and if i can, how can i set that code properly? I've tried to use that arduino code but it didn't work. I don't know how can i set properly. Any help would be great?
Thanks in advance!
Hi, Your meter doesn't reply…
Your meter doesn't reply is one of the settings is different than the meter expects.
Try to connect with GXDSLMDirector first. You can get the correct settings and it will help you to understand your meter and what it can offer.
Can you establish the connection with the Arduino example?
Hello Sir, i tried to use…
Hello Sir,
i tried to use pushlistener example and i didn't change anything in the code. I manage to upload that code on ESP-01s. My esp is connected to COM5 and 9600 baud. I don't have any physical meter, so how do i set GXDSLMDirector and try to establish connection between simulator and my arduino? In the device properties i set like this:
name: name
Manufacturer: Mikroelektronika a.d (i have to use this)
Interface: HDLC
Authentication: None
Address Type: Default
Logicak Server: 0
Media: Serial
Serial Port: COM5 (my esp is connected to this port)
Baud: 9600
Data Bits: 8
Parity: Even
Stop Bits: One
Flow control: None
Client Address: 10
ASCII check
Resend count: 3
Physical Server:1
and i got this -S COM5:9600:8NoneOne -w 1 -f 128 -t Verbose
How do i establish server and what is chronological steps from now?
I really appreciate Your time and help! It means a lot to me
Big thanks!
With respect,
Hi, If you are using a push…
If you are using a push listener example. The client doesn't establish the connection when the meter sends push messages. The client just waits for push messages that the meter sends and then parses the received data.
Hi Sir, so what should i do?…
Hi Sir,
so what should i do? How can see that the Push Listener example work on my arduino?
With Respect,
Hi, Read data from the UART…
Read data from the UART and then parse it in the same way as the push listener example does. I believe it's easier if you at first use the push listener in Windows or Linux.