By SmartMeterAndroid, 27 August, 2024 Forums Gurux DLMS for Android Hi Currently we are using readrowbyrange() is getting single row value. We need to read all the row values. What api can i use for this? Kindly help here. Your response is much appreciated. Hi, You can use normal read… Hi, You can use normal read to that. GXDLMSProfileGeneric pg = new GXDLMSProfileGeneric(); Read(pg, 2); Check also this: BR, Mikko We are getting still single… We are getting still single row object only. var cells: Array<Any?>? = arrayOf(read(obj, 2)); //Object[1] for (rows: Any? in cells!!) { } Hi, Access rows using Buffer… Hi, Access rows using Buffer: obj.getBuffer(); The meter returns all rows when you are calling the read. BR, Mikko Log in or register to post comments
Hi, You can use normal read… Hi, You can use normal read to that. GXDLMSProfileGeneric pg = new GXDLMSProfileGeneric(); Read(pg, 2); Check also this: BR, Mikko
We are getting still single… We are getting still single row object only. var cells: Array<Any?>? = arrayOf(read(obj, 2)); //Object[1] for (rows: Any? in cells!!) { }
Hi, Access rows using Buffer… Hi, Access rows using Buffer: obj.getBuffer(); The meter returns all rows when you are calling the read. BR, Mikko
Hi, You can use normal read…
You can use normal read to that.
GXDLMSProfileGeneric pg = new GXDLMSProfileGeneric();
Read(pg, 2);
Check also this:
We are getting still single…
We are getting still single row object only.
var cells: Array<Any?>? = arrayOf(read(obj, 2)); //Object[1]
for (rows: Any? in cells!!) {
Hi, Access rows using Buffer…
Access rows using Buffer:
The meter returns all rows when you are calling the read.