Enkey: 1234561234561234 (ASCII)
System Title: 12345678(ASCII)
//Read meter serial no:
7E A0 20 03 41 32 AB 08 E6 E6 00 C8 12 20 00 00 0B BE BF A3 15 4C 97 19 79 26 41 17 55 9C 45 D6 2D 7E
DecryptAesGcm : 00000BBEBFA3154C971979264117559C45
-->C001C100010000600100FF0200 Correct!
//Back data
7E A0 22 41 03 52 C3 94 E6 E7 00 CC 14 20 00 00 0C 26 D6 32 2D C8 3D 83 94 5A E0 FD 52 6B 46 70 DB DB 75 7E
DecryptAesGcm : 00000BBEBFA3154C971979264117559C45
-->F063641FB0891F767B7AC93272800E Not correct!!!
How to get the correct result? Like this :C401C10009094C5357323431393436 the Sn is LSW241946 .
Decrypt the data using the same AuKey,why I can not get the right result?
Back data DecryptAesGcm : 00…
Back data DecryptAesGcm : 00 00 0C 26 D6 32 2D C8 3D 83 94 5A E0 FD 52 6B 46 70 DB
Sorry,the encrypted data is wrong.
Hi, The reason might be…
The reason might be anything. I believe that you are not using the meter system key with the meter reply.