I have an issue with reading Landis E650 meter, when I try to read it with multi ref (Client.ReadList method) it does not work but if I read the same thing with single ref (Client.Read) it works as expected. Meter is connected via hdlc.
I was able to reproduce the issue in GXDLMSDirector with following steps:
- Connect to meter via HDLC
- Reading of objects goes through normally as expected
- Try to read any received objects, for example "CosemLogicalDeviceName"
- When "Read" is used it works as expected, when "ReadObject" is used it fails, logs below:
GXDLMSDirector 9.0.2405.2803
Log created 10:34:26
10:34:31 Read object type Data index: 2
7E A0 14 00 02 A0 75 41 32 21 64 E6 E6 00 05 01 02 FD 08 10 D3 7E
7E A0 24 41 00 02 A0 75 52 24 3D E6 E7 00 0C 01 00 09 10 4C 47 5A 35 31 32 35 39 32 39 38 00 00 00 00 00 20 EF 7E
7E A0 14 00 02 A0 75 41 54 11 62 E6 E6 00 05 01 02 FD 08 10 D3 7E
7E A0 24 41 00 02 A0 75 74 10 79 E6 E7 00 0C 01 00 09 10 4C 47 5A 35 31 32 35 39 32 39 38 00 00 00 00 00 20 EF 7E
System.Exception: Invalid reply. Read items count do not match.
at GXDLMSDirector.GXDLMSCommunicator.ReadList(List`1 list)
at GXDLMSDirector.MainForm.Read(Object sender, GXAsyncWork work, Object[] parameters)
I have the same issue in my software, I am using latest available version of gurux.net. Am I doing something wrong or is there an issue in the gurux library?
I can provide more information if needed.
Hi, Your data looks correct…
Your data looks correct. We'll check what might cause this.
Hi, You are reading only one…
You are reading only one value with ReadList and that is causing this. This is fixed for the next version.
Hi, This is fixed and the…
This is fixed and the new version is released today.