Getting this error as I try to set activvity calender
object GetActivityWrite(){
GXDLMSActivityCalendar activity = new GXDLMSActivityCalendar();
activity.CalendarNamePassive = "Passive";
activity.DayProfileTablePassive = new GXDLMSDayProfile[] { new GXDLMSDayProfile(1, new GXDLMSDayProfileAction[] { new GXDLMSDayProfileAction(new GXTime(DateTime.Now), "", 1) }) };
return activity;
object tempObj = GetActivityWrite();
ReadDataBlock(Client.Write(writeObj.Name, tempObj, dt, objectType, attributeIndex), reply);
trying to test the library, and i am getting error. It is reading smoothly, only error on this part, tried passed date in different formats, nothing works
Hi Mikko, Any update? thanks.
Hi Mikko,
Any update?
Hi, Try like this: object…
Try like this:
object tempObj = GetActivityWrite();
ReadDataBlock(Client.Write(tempObj, 9), reply);
Thanks Mikko, I was able to…
Thanks Mikko, I was able to write it to passive.
As of now i did manually activate from GURUX director, how can i activate it from code library?
Hi, You can activate it by…
You can activate it by calling the ActivatePassiveCalendar method. Like this:
ReadDataBlock(tempObj.ActivatePassiveCalendar(Client), reply);