Hello gurux
i want to acces DLMS smart meter with esp32, I have adjusted the client settings to the address on the smart meter
but what I get is an error like this
:Start reading :Received bytes:
0 :Data send failed. Try to resend. 1 :Received bytes:
0 :Data send failed. Try to resend. 2 :Received bytes:
0 :Data send failed. Try to resend. 3 :Received bytes:
0 :com_initializeConnection failed 252com_readAllObjects() : 252 -- com_close() : 0
does anyone know why it happens like this?
thanks for attetintion
Hi, At first, check your…
At first, check your serial port settings and wires. Its common that there are problems with them.
Then one of your settings might be different than the meter expects and the meter doesn't reply. Try to connect with GXDLMSDirector first and check the correct DLMS settings.