General information
Gurux.DLMS.AMI is obsolete. Use Gurux.DLMS.AMI4 instead.
Purpose of Gurux.DLMS.AMI component is given FAST and SIMPLE Advanced Metering Infrastructure for DLMS meters.
This project consists of three different part
- Gurux.AMI
- Gurux.AMI.UI
- GXDLMSDirector
Gurux.AMI.UI is simple to use user interface add-in for GXDLMSDirector.
GXDLMSDirector is an application that you can you to generate devices and control for the Gurux.DLMS.AMI.
For more info check out GXDLMSDirector. We are updating documentation on Gurux web page.
Starting with Gurux.AMI
Gurux.AMI is using .Net Core 3.1. First you must install it to your PC. Then you need to download GuruxAMI or compile it by yourself.wget unzip
wget unzip dotnet build Gurux.DLMS.AMI-master/Gurux.DLMS.AMI/Gurux.DLMS.AMI.sln
{ "Logging": { "LogLevel": { "Default": "Warning" } }, "AllowedHosts": "*", "Reader": { "Id": "603C1F03-6EDE-4F4F-B108-3451383F0B0F", "Name": "Default", "Threads": 10, "TaskWaitTime": 60, "AliveTime": 60 }, "Scheduler": { "Disabled": "False" }, "Listener": { "Port": 1000, "Interface": 0, "UseLogicalNameReferencing": "True", "ClientAddress": 16, "ServerAddress": 1, "Authentication": 0, "Password": null, "Security": 0, "InvocationCounter": "", "DefaultDeviceTemplate": 0 }, "Notify": { "Port": 4059 }, "Server": { "Address": "http://*:64881", }, "Client": { "Address": "http://localhost:64881", }, "Database": { "Type": "SQLite", "Settings": "Data Source=:memory:" } }
Reader settings
If the amount of the readers is small and you have only one reader, you don't change reader settings. Otherwise, you need to generate a new Guid and set a unique guid as Id for each reader. Update also reader name. You can use any name you want to.Threads tell the number of concurrent reads. If the value is one, only one meter is read at the time. If value is 10, max 10 meters are read at the same time.
TaskWaitTime tells how long a new task has waited before the reader asks the next one. AliveTime tells how ofter reader is sending a keep-alive message to the server. Server updates detected time when keep-alive message is received. Using keep-alive you can see that your listener is up and running.
Scheduler settings
There can be only one scheduler or scheduler tasks are generated several times. If you have multiple readers, disable schedulers from all the readers, except one.Listener settings
Listener port tells on what TCP/IP port Gurux.DLMS.AMI service expects incoming connections. Incoming connections are used in the GPRS network when dynamic connections are used.Notify settings
Notify port tells on what TCP/IP port Gurux.DLMS.AMI service is receiving Push messages from the meters.Server settings
The address will tell the address of Gurux.DLMS.AMI service is started. There can be only one server.Client settings
The address will tell address of Gurux.DLMS.AMI service where clients try to connect.Database settings
DBType tells what database is used. DBAddress tells database settings. In default, we are using in-memory SQLite database. It is for testing purposes. You don't need to install any database, just start the app. At the moment Gurux.AMI is supporting following databases:Examples for database settings
MariaDB and MySQL
Microsoft SQL Server (MSSQL)
Server=HOST;Database=DATABASE;User Id=USER_ID;Password=PASSWORD;
User Id=USER_ID;Password=PASSWORD;Data Source=HOST_NAME:1521/XEPDB1;
dotnet Gurux.DLMS.AMI.dll
You don't need GXDLMSDirector at all. It's here because it helps you to get started. You can do all the actions by yourself using JSON interface. First, you need to set correct parameters and read the association view from the meter with GXDLMSDirector. Association view will tell what kind of functionality meter can offer. After you have read association view, remove COSEM objects you don't want to read, save it and select "Tools" | "Settings" and select "Gurux.DLMS.AMI settings" page.Set Gurux.DLMS.AMI address:
Now select "Data Concentrators" and "Gurux.DLMS.AMI".
As you can see, UI is a little bit different. First you need to create a device template. Device Template describes device settings and what you want to read from the meter. There might be several device templates, even for the same meter. First, you need to import the device template you just saved. "Select "Templates" view and press the right mouse button. Now select "Import" and select the device template you just saved.
Select imported device settings and give for the device template name. You can also change default connection settings or set them empty. Then accept the changes. All device attributes are shown on the right side. You can remove those attributes that you don't want to read. Now you can create a new device.
Select "Add Device" from the "File menu". Change connection settings and give name for the meter. Accept changes. Now you can see the device on the device tree. It's empty. Selecting "Refresh" from "File" menu or pressing F5, device objects are read from the database.
Data values are empty. Selecting object and pressing "Read", read command is sent to the Gurux.DLMS.AMI and it'll read the meter.
Wait for a while until the value is read and select "Refresh" again. Now you can see read data value. You can also call actions or write values to the meter in the same way.
When you select the "Devices" tree you can see list of Schedules. In default there are three schedules, minutely, hourly and daily. You can add attributes to schedules, selecting COSEM object and "Add to Schedule" from "Tools" menu.Select Schedule where you want to add it and press OK. All attributes of the selected object are added automatically and you can remove attributes that you don't want to read.